Sunday, December 19, 2010

OUTing resume

Guys. Listen up . this is an important announcement . we will be having our class outing . I decided to go play bowling as no body in the class have other good idea of where to go . Everyone in the class must attend . If not u will get a pink form from Miss Siew on the first day of the school .;D . I will let u know the date again  . Hope to see all of u there .!!!


Thursday, December 16, 2010


buy books aready???? haha i just brought erm.......have you all read our fb? i know, LOL zhong hong is planning the class outing O.O i 99% belive that he is a diffrent person. so if the outing is a sucess lets let hime be the chair person okok??? on arh


Friday, December 10, 2010

hey ppl

haha the blog is gonna die wee~~~~ to make the blog alive plz post:)
eg; your feeling of life w/o me:P or wad you want to do for the class?? or want to thank someone or.........

i will get a chat box asap but plz not spamming thxu

but for now try to post where you want to go for class outing therefore the chin yong can do his job as some ppl don't have faceboook
